03 May 2010

Bloom Time!

I'm sharing more of my springtime blooms with you.  I hope you enjoy...

Azalea in front yard

Flowering bush in front (don't know what kind)
EDIT:  After sleuthing around google, I believe this bush is called firethorne.  It has these flowers in the spring and orange berries in the fall.  It also has lots of thorns.

"Changeling rose" former carpet roses but now they climb!

Irises in front

Lambs' ears in front

Miniature rose I bought myself because I deserve it!  :)

Pansy in chair planter.  I "rescued" the planter from a burned out house.

The rose bush was a rose tree but it broke in a storm.  Looks like a bush is growing from it but it doesn't have any buds.  We'll have to wait a bit to see if it gets flowers.  The pot in front of it has lilies and I'll plant another flower in with it

Snowball bush.  The "snowballs" are rather flat this year!

Search Amazon.com for flower gardening

Happy Birthday Pete Seeger!

On this day, May 3rd, in 1919, Pete Seeger was born. That means today is his 91st birthday! Pete Seeger is a musician, singer, songwriter, folklorist, labor activist, environmentalist, and peace advocate. He was born in Patterson, New York. A couple of his songs that you may remember are Where Have All The Flowers Gone and Turn, Turn, Turn.  Here is a video of Mr. Seeger singing one of his compositions.  You may want to go to the column on your right side and mute the blog's music player before playing these videos.

The rock band Byrds, made Turn, Turn, Turn famous. Here's a video of the Byrds singing it:

The rock band Byrds, made Turn, Turn, Turn famous.  Here's a video of the Byrds singing it:

Go here to learn more about Pete Seeger.

Search Amazon.com for pete seeger

Search Amazon.com for byrds

Monday's Link for Free Crochet Pattern

Sorry I didn't have this posted first thing this morning; I almost forgot (I'm getting old so forgetfulness is to be expected lol!).
Here's a link for a Christmasy afghan.  It is made of squares and is very festive.  Squares can be a pain to sew together but on the other hand an afghan made of squares is a great summer project.  Make the squares in the warm weather and sew together in the fall to have a special afghan ready for the winter holidays! Go to Bonnie's Poinsettia Afghan to see this cute pattern.

Search Amazon.com for christmas crochet patterns