The schools around here are shut down for the day and businesses have delayed openings. Whew, must have been a heck of a big snow storm! Nope, not at all. There may have been a little dusting of snow (I didn't see any) but what we did get was an ice coating on everything! Son #1s plumbing froze at his house and he wanted a ride over here to use the shower before work this afternoon. I walked out my front door to go to my car and I slid on my fanny! Don't worry, I have a "plush" fanny and wasn't hurt--but decided that he could be a little stinker for the day ;).
Looks wet but it's ice. (This part of the porch is new and can't be painted until spring so that's why it's 2-toned)
See what I mean about ice on everything?
Sending all my friends a virtual hot chocolate!!!
Ooops, there's a bag of ufo projects in the corner! lol!