13 June 2012

Sunshine Award!

Homeschooljewelrymom of Stitches, Scraps and Sparkles in the Sun gave me this award. Here's the rules of the award:

Sunshine Award Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you - done.
2. Answer the 10 questions on your favorite things.
3. Nominate ten blogs to receive the Sunshine Award and let them know they've been nominated.

Favorite animal: chihuahua
Favorite number: 57 because that's the year I was born
Favorite non alcoholic drink: coffee--straight up black and hot
Facebook or Twitter: both but only go to Facebook although I sometimes tweet things that I find intereesting
My passion: reading,crocheting and Internet
Getting or giving: Giving 
Favorite pattern: Slippers-- http://www.knitting-crochet.com/crochet/slisoc.html
Favorite day of the week: Tuesday because that's the day older son comes over to do laundry
Favorite flower: tie between roses and carnations
Favorite country: USA

Now for the hard part (and this is why I stopped accepting awards for a while) and that's picking 10 blogs to pass this award on to. I want to be fair but I read so many blogs that it is very difficult to pick only 10. I'm not going to duplicate awards to those who received one from the person who gave it to me because we want to share the wealth right? Believe me, I want to give this award to some of those bloggers. Anyway, here goes...

  1. To Miss Leslie's Place this is to my great granddaughter of my heart because she's special. She hasn't posted lately so maybe this will get her back in the swing of things!
  2. My Secret Crochet Blog
  3. Posh Pooch
  4. Crocheting and Life in General
  5. Petunia Pill
  6. Handmade at Home
  7. Homestead Survival this blog is new to me but it is chock full of interesting things to make/do
  8. Sunflowerz Crochet 
  9. Sandy Sewz 
  10. The Crochet Way good place to show off your creations
This took quite a while. I'll be sending out notices to winners a bit later today. 

Until later...