...is a lapghan made of granny squares. There is a story behind these squares. My mother-in-law had bought these squares at a thrift store and there was matching yarn included with them. I made a bunch of new squares to add to these sqares make an afghan and discovered that I had used the wrong size hook. I then made a bunch of black squares to coordinate with some of the squares and alternated black and multi-color squares.
The afghan I made in 2013--
I ended up with a bunch of odd squares that literally "didn't fit." Fast forward to yesterday, and I started to use these squares to make a lapghan. This is one that I hope to donate to the veterans. What I do not like about these squares is that whoever started making them put a single crochet around each square and only left an inch of yarn that really doesn't weave in nicely.
Here's what I have so far--
That's all for now folks...