11 June 2012

This 'n That...

As you can see, I did a bit of remodeling here. I get bored pretty quick with the same look and then I remodel every now and then.

I'm still working on the afghan. it's between 2/3rds and 3/4ths done. I'll hold off on pictures for a while since I've shown status updates on it a few times already.

I'm doing the CAL for a dog hat. Actually I'm doing it twice so both Opi and Nellie Belle each get one--can't have one getting jealous so have to treat them the same. I was surprised that there is a 2" difference in their head circumferences. Opi was a little-bitty thing until he chunked out and his body is shorter (top to bottom and front to back) when you compare him to Nellie Belle.  Since this is a small item, today's status doesn't show much.

The variegated one is for Nellie Belle and the off-white is for Opi.

My dumb question for the day:  "Why when you buy things for outdoor use, does the manufacturer include parts such as screws, nuts and/or bolts, that are made of materials that will rust when exposed to the elements?" Example is this solar light cap on the porch. It's a bit hard to see in this picture but the screw that mounts it is all rusted and we just installed it this spring.

Monday's Link to Free Crochet Pattern (11 June 2012)

Do you ever have the urge to crochet a matching jacket for you and your furry pooch? Now you can. Today's link to a free pattern will show you how you and your pooch can wear matching, ripple crocheted sweaters. Go here and get hooking quick!

Have fun!