11 June 2012

This 'n That...

As you can see, I did a bit of remodeling here. I get bored pretty quick with the same look and then I remodel every now and then.

I'm still working on the afghan. it's between 2/3rds and 3/4ths done. I'll hold off on pictures for a while since I've shown status updates on it a few times already.

I'm doing the CAL for a dog hat. Actually I'm doing it twice so both Opi and Nellie Belle each get one--can't have one getting jealous so have to treat them the same. I was surprised that there is a 2" difference in their head circumferences. Opi was a little-bitty thing until he chunked out and his body is shorter (top to bottom and front to back) when you compare him to Nellie Belle.  Since this is a small item, today's status doesn't show much.

The variegated one is for Nellie Belle and the off-white is for Opi.

My dumb question for the day:  "Why when you buy things for outdoor use, does the manufacturer include parts such as screws, nuts and/or bolts, that are made of materials that will rust when exposed to the elements?" Example is this solar light cap on the porch. It's a bit hard to see in this picture but the screw that mounts it is all rusted and we just installed it this spring.

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