24 October 2009

Gift Cards and Christmas

My thought for the day is about gift cards. For birthdays and Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day I think cards are a great idea. Christmas is a whole different ball game.  I picture all of us trading gift cards like they were baseball cards-- "I'll trade you a Wal-mart card for a Kohl's card." Do you see what I'm talking about? Kids who don't necessarily buy Christmas gifts are an exception to my theory. It would be fun to give a child a gift card for a present with a promise to take them out to eat and on a shopping excursion so they can get what they want. I've been considering doing that for my ggranddaughter this year. That will be one day that her mom gets a break and the young'un has a special day. Oh, I did think of another exception and that is what my ds and his wife did for Christmas last year. They bought me a Barnes and Nobles gift card that I could either use for merchandise or to get their discount card. I opted for the discount card because I am a voracious reader and also continuously on the lookout for crochet books. What do y'all think? Write me and let me know.

Amazon Gift Cards

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