26 September 2020

Time to Crochet an Afghan for Christmas

 Where has the time gone? Autumn is here and the leaves are falling from the trees and the birds are headed south. Temperatures have cooled off considerably and shorts have been replaced with long pants. 

You may be asking yourself where has Sharon been? As usual, I have been a bit negligent and then my beautiful Nellie Belle crossed the rainbow bridge. Ray and I were pretty torn up about it. The vetrinarian, encouraged me to get another fur baby as soon as possible. He said it would really help. I asked if he knew of someone with a chihuahua for a reasonable price. He did and that is how Sadie came to be our furry little girl.

Sadie is going through the puppy stage. She chews on everything--fingers, toes, chins, noses, furniture and kitchen cabinets. She also cuddles and gives good puppy kisses. Here's a recent picture of her with her toys and a pair of slippers she has developed a fondness for:

The object of today's post is to direct you to some patterns that are for Christmas afghans. There should still be time to crank out a few. Here's the list:

If you really don't want to bother with a pattern, it is always nice to have a grannyghan made with Christmas color yarn.

I hope all of you are doing well. I know it is hard to be in the house for most of the time but this too shall pass and life will be better.

Blessing to all of you,



Blueberry Pet Bed

Many more beds for your furbaby

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