02 April 2014

3 Projects I Want to Chuck out the Window!!!

Yes, you read that title right, I have 3 projects I want to toss out the window and forget I ever started them. 

  • The 1st I talked about last week. It is painfully slow making this men's hat.  Maybe it's not the hat, maybe it's my CADD (crochet attention deficiet disorder) and this hat is largely made out of slip stitches so it takes forever to get anywhere with it.
Should look like
(Picture courtesy of Ravelry)


  • The 2nd project is a deerstalkers hat. Love the look of this and thought it would make a nice gift for someone. The problem is, after working 91 rounds, I don't know where to attach the brim. I mean theoretically, I know where it goes, but I just don't know where to put it if that makes sense to you. I was going to take a picture of what I've done so far but I couldn't find it so chances are I did toss it out the window and it's blowing in the wind as the old song goes. 
Should look like
(picture from here at freepatterns.com)

  • The 3rd project, the zen sweater designed by Doris Chan, almost has me crying in my beer because it should be so beautiful. I have frogged and frogged this baby more times than I can count and it needs to be frogged again. I should have 12 fans at this stage and I only have 10. I should have known this was going to be a problem when I ordered light gray yarn and I ended up with a light tan.
Should look like
(Picture courtesy of Ravelry) 


So, the plan right now is to work on the 1st project I wrote about here and get it done and out of the way. Then move on to the zen sweater and lastly the deerstalker hat if I haven't really tossed it out the window.

That's all for now...



  1. Ugh, I know how you feel, Sharon. I have several I'm sick of looking at, too. Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with these. I hope you can get past them and back to making something you enjoy.

  2. Hang in there Sharon. We've all had that feeling and it's not fun. Sending you a comforting ((hug)). :)

  3. Thank you so much. I was losing my mojo then I got it back and started having problems with what I was working on. Had a good crochet night tonight so maybe I'll pull out of this slump. Thanks again for your encouragement.


What are your thoughts? Your opinions are important to me so if you think I am right on or off my rocker let me know.