27 January 2013

I'm Sorry for Lying to You

Yesterday I told you that I wasn't going to buy any yarn unless I absolutely needed it to finish a project. I lied. Yesterday instead of going to Walmart to buy some white yarn, I went to Michaels. I had a 15% off coupon for entire purchase including sale items. Well, I found some Patons Classic Wool Yarn marked down from $5.99 to $2.99. I got 3 yellow (looks more gold than yellow) and 1 pumpkin color. I left 1 skein there and it was pink. I really need to stay away from yarn stores lol!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ha-ha that's ok - sometimes we all do that. Who can pass up a yarn sale? :)

  3. Sharon! Shame on you!
    (but it HAD to be done, right?...)

  4. I've stopped promising. I just brag when I actually reduce the stash. :)

  5. Sharon thanks for your comment on my blog, I like your page of doggy patterns, thank you for sharing
    Daisy j


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