25 April 2011

Today's Plan...

Today's plan is to finish up the afghan I've been working on. As I mentioned in my previous post, the end is in sight! I've already started making squares for the next afghan that I'll be sending to Germany. I need to slip one or two small things in here so it's not so boring reading about the same project over and over.

I'm off to a doctor's appointment and then I'll be back home and hope to spend some time crocheting. I keep starting crochet projects and haven't had a chance to play around with my knifty knitter looms or butterfly looms. Perhaps I'll take one of them with me the end of next month when I go visiting my ol' high school friend in California. Always have to have a to-go project and the funny thing about deciding on a to-go project is that it takes longer to make that decision than deciding what clothes to pack! Y'all have a nice day....


  1. Have a good day - hope everything goes well with the Dr. appt. :)

  2. Cool I cant wait to see the next afghan. I did do one square of the afghan I have been working on LOL Hope you have a good week :o)


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