26 December 2015

I Blew It--

I've been involved since we did our winter migration to Florida. Hubby has been working on finishing up the kitchen (it's very close to being finished) and I've been well, supervising and errand running. Before I left Kentucky, I set up a bunch of holiday related posts and I blew it dear remaining readers, because many of my followers didn't like them and 6 of my dear blog friends jumped ship and left me.

I suppose I could say it doesn't bother me because I'm doing this blog primarily for myself but the truth is, I am sad that someone took such a dislike to what I thought was a "treat" that they left. That's okay, because like I said this blog is for me. It is one way that I interact with the real world. I have a tendency to "hide" because of some things I've experienced in the past and this is one way I "socialize."

Christmas here was rather tame. I've been down with an upper respiratory infection for the last 4 days so we decided to stay home and not risk infecting anyone. My kind aunt sent over plates laden with a delicious Christmas meal.

I have a few finished projects to share with you and I'll be doing that soon. I'm hoping that your Christmas was full of love, cheer and most importantly--blessings.



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